Every greatness start from littleness.

There is an ‘all’ in ‘small’

‘Small’ ends with ‘all’

In the world of the affluent, there is always a ‘sown seed.’

It begins with idea, enlightenment, and opened eyes unto opportunities.

Great men are where they are not because of mere “Wishes”, it all started from conceiving an idea, and working with the idea by sowing the seed of time, commitment, energy, and finance alongside the seed of their ideas. “Idea itself doesn’t become a productive vine if it’s sown without other aiding seeds”

“The Law of Causation in the World of the affluent.”

This law does not work with “proportionality” in the elite world.


The estimated capacity of your idea at the stage of its conception does not define how big your end will be. What that means is that you cannot actually tell how much productivity your idea is capable of expressing in and to the world.

Did you get that?? You don’t?

Let me throw some lightning on that so you can grasp it. The Law of Causation works at a geometrical progression in the midst of great people (Talking of great people, I mean great minds with intentions and innovations)

“Opportunities caught in good time can make a fortune with a life that seems a cartoon. (An ugly Sketch when touched creatively can produce a beautiful portrait)”

How?  Have you read the papers? Have you read the business columns? At what stake is the stock market progressing for those who sowed ‘little’ in the last 20 years? What have they now??

That’s it! Initially, very little was sown (Seemingly), but the little keeps accumulating geometrically without any prospect of stopping.

To every action there is a counter reaction. When good actions meet with good opportunities in a good time with a synergic effect, (OMG) The result is always a blast!

But hey! You probably might not see this coming and wouldn’t have prayed to read what you are about to read, but, you got to be informed about it anyways, because it’s actually what I have been talking about from the onset. What am I talking about? I’m talking about RISK.

Everything afore-discussed is about risk. In the world of the affluent, seeds (Ideas) are not just sown anywhere, they are sown beneath fertile surfaces. I mean, they are invested and entrusted into the right places.

The important point is that neither do fertile surfaces carry labels on, nor are they stumbled upon. They are insightfully discovered by men who are ready to take critical decisions with faith and strong determination.

You have to be skilled in managing your ideas and resources. Making right decisions at the right time.

Law of Causation doesn’t just distribute goodies to everyone who sows; it rewards based on the measure of efforts invested on the seeds after they were sowed.

Knowing that whatever you sow, you shall reap; then you will definitely reap bountifully if you can decipher time and put it into adequate and efficient resource appropriately.

Lemme analyse it this way…

The causation law is like a machine. Its efficiency is determined by what you use it for and the maintenance action you carry out on it.

Using this machine in good time to process idea, and making use of what seem cheap but valuable assets as feeds with time as a grinding factor, the output gotten would only be underemphasized if I tell you. As a matter of fact, I can’t sound specific enough about the output level, because it’s going to be so massive.

Why do you think world richest’s have their assets increasing at an unpredictable pace??

It is because this machine- The Causal effect with actions works its yield at a geometrically progressive rate.

Manage your actions artfully, and then you will enjoy your seed.




This is the discussion that was engaged in between the Metro Potters on an Online Talk Show called “LET’S TALK ABOUT IT”.

Let’s talk about it is a talk show hosted, viewed and followed by Metro Potters worldwide. Individual Potters share their opinion on a selected topic and discuss how it relates to them individually and to the society at large.

Here are some of the major discussion points during the program.

Pls. Read and drop your comments too.

Let’s Talk About it. Host: Potter Seun, Co Hosts: Potter Wuraola and Potter Olupero.

Potter Seun: I was naive and didn’t know how to go about it for the very first time in my life.

It all started smoothly and I assumed the road was hitch-free until I hit a bump, I got a roadmap and realized there’s more on my way. I’ve gone far, do I turn back, do I continue or stop. Finally, she made the choice, she said, Rawfacts…

Well, join me tonight on #Let’s Talk About it Segment by 9pm.


Potter Seun: Alright, good evening everyone. Thanks for tuning in.

Potter Seun: It’s another wonderful time in here and on your favourite interactive show #Let’s talk about it. Tonight’s issue is interesting and I bet you’ll learn greatly as we all interact.

Potter Seun: I’m Rawfacts…  Good evening and how has been your day?

Potter Seun: #Enjoy this song while we go on this short break…

*Playing Bibanke, by Asa*

Potter Seun: Alright, thanks for staying tuned.  Welcome back. It’s still your favorite show, Let’s talk about it.

Potter Seun: Tonight, the topic is simple but powerful. Tonight’s topic is ”Break up, How and why does it happen between lovers?

Potter Seun: An average adult has experienced this in one way or the other..

Potter Seun: And this keeps happening everyday. Why does it happen? How does it happen? Can we avoid it? Maybe yes, maybe No!!! But how can we cope after its occurrence? how can we help others to deal with Breakup ?

Potter Seun: Before I continue, I have two special queens with me here in the studio. First queen is Miss Wuraola Gold, my beautiful angel. Can you please say hello to our listeners?

Potter Wuraola: Hello everyone. *smiles*

Potter Seun: My second queen is Dr Olupero, my sugar lady. Say hello to your friends please.

Potter Olupero: Hi everybody. *Smiles*

Potter Seun: Alright, thanks ladies.

Potter Seun: Paracetamol works for headache, Lonart works for malaria but the scientists are yet to get a cure for any pain that heartache causes by breakup. From research, it’s been discovered and affirmed that our brains react to breakup the same way it reacts to physical pain.

Potter Seun: So, lady Gold, do you have a contrary opinion to that?

Potter Wuraola : No I don’t.

Potter Seun: Alright, lady Olupero, what do you think?

Potter Olupero: i think d scientist are right.

Potter Olupero: Infact the pain is more felt than any other kind of ache, cause it’s not only physical but also psychological, emotional and even spiritual. Very intense I must say.

Potter Wuraola : Yea. Because the pain is from the most delicate part of the human body system, The Heart.

Potter Seun: Great. Fantastically said my dears.

Potter Seun: Now, after a breakup, we are left with a feeling of  ”I really don’t know myself’. You begin to wonder, I don’t believe this could happen to me. Like ‘Gosh!!!’.

Most of us have broken up with the person(S) we love or seeing our friends breaking up with their lovers.

Now, I heard Most people say the fault is more from guys, can this be true?

(Turns to Potter Wuraola)

Potter Wuraola : I really don’t support that notion.

Potter Seun: why?

Potter Wuraola: Before a guy breaks up with a lady, there definitely must have been a  reason to it. Guys wouldn’t just break up a relationship without a cause. What should have been said if I must agree is that guys are better initiators of breakups than ladies.

Potter Seun: Hmmm. That sounds cool Miss Wuraola.

Dr Olupero… let’s hear from you dear.

Potter Olupero: Both the ladies and guys can be at fault…..but it depend on the side of the occurrences that led to the break up each of the parties are. The guy may be at the faulty side than the lady and vice versa. One cannot accurately assert that a particular gender causes breakup than the other.

Potter Seun: That’s makes a lot of sense Dr. Pero. Well, it’s time we hear some other points of view from our listeners at home.

(Potter Wuraola slides in a comment)

Potter Wuraola : Excuse me, let me quickly add this. Being the first to voice it out that there should be a break up doesn’t always mean you are the bad one.

Potter Seun: That’s true dear.  Friends, start calling in. I’m sure you know the numbers to call.

Potter Olupero: ooops We have a caller already.

Potter Olupero: Hello

Potter Omowunmi: Hello Sir and Ma’s

Potter Omowunmi: Good evening

Potter Seun: Hello Omowunmi. Speak up dear. Let’s hear your view

Potter Omowunmi : I want to ask a question. And I want to direct the question to Miss Wuraola.

Potter Omowunmi : Wuraola, are you trying to tell us that ladies cause breakups more than guys? Because your point of view seems to be nailing ladies as the culprits.

Potter Wuraola : No, I didn’t mean that. What I was trying to say is in response to Seun’s comment that Guys cause break ups more. In my opinion, no particular gender can be categorized as the one who cause break ups, it simply depends on the situation surrounding the relationship that eventually culminated to the breakup.

Potter Omowunmi : Oh, that’s fine, now I get you. Thank you.

Potter Wuraola : One major problem have observed from ladies is that we don’t to see reasons why we should breakup with the one we love even if  there is a reason,  we still try to hold on. On the other hand, guys don’t stick that obsessively to relationships, when it doesn’t work, they are not just going force it to. Guys would simply not push a relationship father than it can go.

Potter Seun: Thanks for calling in Miss Omowunmi.

Potter Olupero: Yes. In addition to what Wuraola said, we ladies don’t quit easily because we think things will improve. But when we are hurt beyond bounds, then we realize we’ve been doing things out of our senses.

Potters Seun: That’s true Dr. Pero. Oops. We got another caller. Excuse me ladies, let’s have this caller.

Potter Seun: Hello Mr Taiwo

Potter Taiwo : Yes boss, I’m so glad to reach the studio tonight.  Greetings to everyone in the studio. I’m going to make my opinions about the subject of matter. Anybody could cause a break up. Guys or Ladies.

Potter Wuraola : Yes, that’s correct sir. Both parties are involved.

Potter Olupero: Yeah.

Potter Taiwo : It only depends on factors like, the place of contact. That is, where they met. For an instance, a lady who met a man working in a garage or a rough work environment should be prepared to be maltreated

Potter Wuraola : I don’t think that’s true sir.  Group or work environment doesn’t matter sir.

Potter Olupero: hmmm.. Mr. Taiwo, what about a lady who met a guy in d university or a cooperate office?

Potter Olupero: It’s  attitude and personality that matters, not work environment.

Potter Taiwo : Well, another factor is ‘Understanding’. If either of them fails to understand the other, they definitely are heading to the point of breaking up.

Potter Wuraola : Work only affects time in a relationship, that limited time can only affect your intimacy.

Potter Olupero: Tell me d work that won’t allow good relationship.

Potter Taiwo : 419 and armed robbery are examples.

Potter Olupero: once you understand each other’s  job, I don’t think there should be a problem.

Potter Wuraola : It’s almost time to round it all off.

Potter Olupero: We will be rounding off now. We will continue from in the next edition of the program. Same time same Network.

Potter Olupero: Once again I’m Dr. Olupero and with me is

Potter Wuraola : Wuraola.

Potter Wuraola : Thanks for viewing.

Potter Olupero: To our audience, we love you all.

Potter Wuraola : On behalf of our chief host, Mr. Seun Rawfacts, we are saying thank you. Catch you all soon. Cheers…

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Causality is the Law of Identity applied over time. It is the identity of actions. An action requires an entity. It presupposes an entity. Without an entity, action is meaningless. There are no “floating” actions that aren’t actions of an entity.

Action is a change in the identity of an entity. Every action has a particular nature. The action is determined by the entities involved. The change of the entities occurs based on the identities. A marble, when dropped, falls towards the ground. Its position (part of its identity) changes. This change, though, is dependent on the nature of the objects involved.

It is dependent on the Earth and the Earth’s gravity. It is dependent on the friction of the air.

A log that burns is also acting. Its identity is changing. In this case, its position stays the same, but its chemical structure is changing. It is changing into ash. It is releasing smoke into the air. The oxygen in the air is being combined with the carbon in the fire. Heat is being released. All of these changes are determined by the identity of the entities involved. As the entities change, so do their natures. With the altered identities, the actions change to match. This continual process of change is all determined by the initial identities.

Causality is the term used to describe this dependence of an action on the identities of the entities involved. The changes in the identities of the objects are a result of their identities interacting. This interaction, which is an action, is based on the previous natures of the objects involved. In other words, for something to change (which is an effect), it needs to be acted on (caused) by a previous action. This previous action, or change, is an effect as well.

Every effect must have a cause. That cause, however, is an effect of a previous cause. Causality is the law that states that each cause has a specific effect, and that this effect is dependent on the identities of the agents involved.

You can always get great results in life, if your actions are mathematically collaborated with favorable agents and conditions that are positive enough to create a pleasant effect. To succeed in life, you have to master the art of making good choices as regards what actions you take, how you take them and under what circumstances or condition you are taking them.

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By the end of this discourse, you’ll know what type of meal you’ve been feeding the Universe. Whether spicy, delicious, sweet or sour meal.

Let me just recapitulate the definition of Causality as mentioned by other great Metro-Potters who discussed on this topic ealier.  Causality is the relationship of cause and effect. Simply put,

‘Causality is the principle that ensures that nothing happens without being caused”.

The universe has no feelings, it doesn’t think whether someone else has done the same to you, it only serve you back that which you have served out. For everything we do, we get equal or opposite result.

There must be a sender (You) the message(actions) the receiver (universe) and the feedback (result).

In communication, passing across information must go through some processes before it can be understood.

You’re the sender, the message  (your actions and intents) is what you send, the universe (the receiver) registers,  analyzes, processes and finally gives a feedback (result) to you.

Let me bring this to a closer view for you

Now, let zoom it in a bit.

If you send hatred/evil and your message  (what you intend to cause) that is exactly what the universe will process , analyze and return to you.

You may get instant feedback(result) or get it years later. The universe doesn’t forget, it depends on how fast it processes it. That’s why it’s called a seed.

Infact, you should be afraid when your seed of evil doesn’t sprout on time, the universe has not forgotten, it might come in double folds.  Am I sending or registering fear in your hearts? Not at all! Why would I do that?  I’m only sending or registering a universal secret in your hearts.

The law of karma/causality doesn’t take bribe, it only gives equal result of your actions.

I won’t deceive you, you’re where you’re today because of the seeds you sowed yesterday.

If you want a different level, sow a different seed.

What you do you do, what you get you get! No cheating!  Do you want a better chance? Do unto others as you want the universe to do for you! That’s the greatest rule in the law of causality !  Let me ask this, what have you been feeding the universe? What kind of meal? Delicious, saucy, spicy, sweet or sour meal?

It’s never too late to adjust and start sowing a better seed if you want a better harvest./

This is not about me, not about them(those that hurt you) it’s about You!

Remember the universe has no feelings, it doesn’t know, think whether someone else has done the same to you, it only remembers yours and gives the same back in full measures.

Remember you’re created to make a difference

I’m Rawfacts, I write,I Act,I teach,I learn and I make a difference.

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Topic: Each moment of your life is a causing moment that count. What are doing with your time, money, even in that organization. I will dwell more on time in this lesson

Time is as valuable as money or gold. You can’t afford to waste it. If you are a time waster you are a life waster. Wasted time can’t be retrieved.

Some people’s  lives are at risk and some are useless due to the way they cause it to be by doing things that will not add value to them.

Looking beyond where you are right now saves time and saves life, it also saves your future.

By so doing, you will find out you are doing the right thing at d right time and also sky-rocketing.

Finally, time is the currency to meaningful life. Spend it well.

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THE LAW OF CAUSATION.___ By Mosobalaje Abimbola.

‘Law of Causation’ is a combination of two words, ‘Law’ and ‘Causation’

We can break it down and say it is a law that governs effects, actions, causes, events e.t.c. Various principles exist, and what revolves around occurrences needs actions. One thing leads to another..

It is bound that when you pour water on the ground, it MUST be wet, because you made it to.

To whatever you have acquired, it is because you desired it, and work/stretch out towards receiving it. What you wish for, you have it. Nothing ever existed on its own without a driving force.

To every action, there is always an equal and OPPOSITE reaction

Do to others what you want them to do to you. Talk with reference, then you will also be acknowledged. This is a wide topic, it cut across almost if not all facet of life.

But take this; “Be careful what you say, believe or wish for (because there is a universal law that controls the wind, fire, the water and the earth, and they are bound to bring whatever pertains to them to the concerned recipient)”

Fortunes don’t always come from hard work, but always come when a belief is sown as a capital investment to every hard work. by this you will be able to set goals boundaries where necessary, and you can stand by them.

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#Introduction to Causality

I ended the last article on this note.

“Now, the reason why you struggle with success is because you didn’t understand the concept of your existence”.

I highlighted how Causality is actively involved in your humanity. If you can’t think of anything as a ‘Cause’ of you, think of God. He caused you to be here. I want you to see how you are connected to the universal laws and why you are liable to them.


I mentioned how the Causality reveals your identity as an Eternal Being. Your existence is far back into time than you can consciously remember. You’ve been before you came to be.

This reminds me of The Law of Energy. It can neither be created nor destroyed; it only transits from one form into another. Everything in the Universe is Energy; Including you.

I shouldn’t deviate. Why I said that is this; you need to know who you are so you can understand how liable you are to the Law of Causality. You are a Matter,  a form of energy.

Your nature as a form of energy makes you linkable to everything that exists in this Universe because every other thing that exists is an energy. So the whole of the universe is a giant mole of energy which have been manipulated to manifest in different forms due to the Law of Cause and Effect overseeing the relationship between this Mole of Energy and every form of energy that is connected to it. You are also a Form of energy in this Giant Mole of Energy called Universe, so is an ant, a stone, a tree, and any other thing you can think of.

This makes you susceptible to a Law that governs and monitors the links that exist between you and everything that exists in the Universe.

You have a cosmic relationship with everything. And this is why you can’t just get away with anything you do, whether good or bad.

This is the mechanism that makes everything you dish out to come back to you.

You couldn’t have been able to reap the fruits of the Seeds you sow if there is no link that traces what you do (Seed) to the subject of your deeds(Fellow living and non living Organism) back to you. That is the Cycle of Cause and Effect.

This concept is what makes it definite that you get whatever you do in return. Good or otherwise. You can’t be cheated neither can anyone or anything cheat you. You can’t get what you didn’t sow. It just one of the very few impossible things in the Universe.

So, if you are yet to be successful. It’s not that you’ve been treated unfairly. It’s just an evidence that confirms that you haven’t sown enough seeds that can generate success.

In life The truest definition of ‘Destiny’ in my ideology is “The Result you get and how you end up based on your Choice of actions through your lifetime”.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not annulling the fact that God has a plan for your life.  What I’m saying is whether you got involved in what God planned for you or not, you will still end up in the realm of your choice. You will still end up as a product of the things you did with your own will. God’s will for your life is not designed to render you without your own will, it just meant to let you know how to do it right.

God may have plans for you, but your Choice is still the determinant of your destiny.

Law of Causation remains steadfast. You can’t get what you didn’t choose.

I need to let you know this, IN THIS UNIVERSE, YOU SHOULD NEVER, I MEAN NEVER, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE DO WRONG. You have no Justification to do a bit of a bad thing. Why? Whatever you sow, you will reap.

You might say. “Someone broke my heart; I will break her heart too”

Ah! The evil someone does to you is not a justification for doing anything bad, you need to see “YOUR LIFETIME as a FERTILE GROUND and your DEEDS as SEEDS.”

Anything you do is a seed.

Now it doesn’t matter WHY you do those things, What matters is the fertility of this fertile ground. If someone hurt you, Don’t you dare hurt them back. If you do, you have just sown a terrible seed into your life and it will DEFINTELY GROW AND IDENTIFY ITSELF WITH YOU.

See, You can’t afford to sow badness in your own life.

It will grow and it will hunt you. Why? There is a link that connects you to everything.

Except you can find your way out of the universe, you can’t escape from your punishment

Someone cheated you and you want to prove to him that you are smart and cannot be cheated, you then device a more cunning means to cheat the person in double fold.

You might feel big after doing that, and naturally, it seems you have done the right thing. No sin committed. Someone cheated you and you cheated him back to get your lost valuables. But I tell you, the Law of Causation doesn’t analyze situations, it only registers actions. It doesn’t take record of why the actions were taken; it only takes records of the actions that were taken.

So, you will be punished even though you only tried to save yourself from being cheated.

Why do you think Jesus taught us his followers to pray for those who persecute us rather than persecute them in self defense? Because whatever thing you do, regardless of the reason, you will reap its fruit. I can’t overemphasize this truth. You need to know who you are.

Imagine the Soil of your life today, think of the bad seeds you’ve sown upon it, imagine the good seeds. Picture it. How does it look like? Don’t tell me.

Just start cultivating it right now.

Do only good. Get angry, do not sin. Get emotional, but do not make mistakes

Do only Good. People will cast bad seeds at you. But you know what, those seeds will not grow on your own soil, rather, they will grow on theirs.

Each man will harvest what he sows. Do only good, and you can predict with great precision how successful and peaceful you will end up.

God has made your life beautiful before you were born, don’t make it ugly with bad seeds.

Success for you is 100% guaranteed. if you can avoid sowing bad seeds.

Let me drop with this note.


“You are beautiful. More than beautiful, but what you do daily, the seeds you sow daily will tell if you will continue beautiful or end up ugly. Be offended, but do not offend anyone.“___E. Adel

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“Causality! The supreme law upon which the universe is built. The master law that governs all other laws found in nature. The law that makes results inevitable whenever actions are made. The law that governs the affairs of time. The dictator of humanity’s past, present, future and down to eternity. The eternal jury that makes life orderly. The one who determines how you begin, proceed and end up. Causality! Karma! Cause and effect! Sowing and Reaping! If man can take advantage of this life’s principal dictator, he’ll live fulfilled. Inevitably successful.”__ Emmanuel Adel



What is this thing?

Well, it occurs that every known tribe on earth recognizes the effect of this Phenomenon.

The evidence is found in the various names of reference it has. Some call it, Law of Sowing and Reaping, some Karma, others Cause and Effect, and so on. You might ask, since this is so a familiar phenomenon, why do we have to talk about it this emphatically?

Well, I think it’s worth talking about for a whole year. Why? Only about 9% of the world’s population really understands this phenomenon and how it works, though about 90% of the population knows it.  The only proof I have to back my statistics up is the level of Poverty, Bad Character, Vileness, Purposelessness and every form of destitution you can ever think of on planet earth.

If we actually understand this Phenomenon as much as we know it, the rate of the above mentioned curses will drop beneath 0%. This is why we got to make this a subject of discussion

as a Community, we need to understand this principle.


What is Causality?

In simple words, it’s is a Supernatural Law that regulates orderliness and precision within the universe, making all creation predictable and judicially attended to during their existence.

Look intently at that Definition; it’s a Law that regulates orderliness and precision in the universe. Secondly, it makes all creation(Living and Non Living) predictable and judicially attended to. What that means is this…

“On a universal context you can’t be cheated in this Universe neither can you cheat”

The Law of Causation makes you liable to a universally recognized judicial authority where justice for you is guaranteed maximally.

I said this in one of my recent audio podcast…

 “You are a citizen of the universe first before you became a citizen of your Nation”

Your primary citizenship is not “Nigerian, Togolese, American etc” IT’S THE UNIVERSE

Most people abide by National laws and disregard Universal laws. That’s why they get ugly results.

Imagine you living somewhere and not abiding by its law, you going to get in trouble with Law Enforcement Agencies.

Unconsciously, most humans are behind the bars suffering for breaking laws, not of their Nations but of the Universe.

Law of Causation states that, “For every Action, there is a reaction(Related or Non related)

That is a universal law, it’s not in the constitution of your country though , but that’s not an excuse. If you break that simple law, you will be charged. Not by a human who studied law in the university and emerged a lawyer, but by a judge that don’t have a heart or any intellectual capacity to analyze your motives and intentions. It doesn’t know what goes on in your heart, it only sees what project into the Universe.

A programmed mechanism that doesn’t miss anything.

“What you sow, you will reap” goes beyond not doing Bad to people, it also involve being conscious of what you say and do things. How you sleep, read, talk, transact….. Think of anything in the context of EVERYTHING.

Let me move to the next bullet point


You need more attention here..

Your existence as a human being is tied to the existence of Causality. From your creation to your birth till your death, Causality is the connector.

Most don’t know this, I guess you do. “You have a past before your birth”

Let me explain that this way. Think of a year…

A year is an entity on its own. You can call a year and it will sound independent of every other thing, but realistically there is a non identical origin. Namely, ‘Month’.

Month and year don’t bear the same name, but there is an unbreakable connection between them. Month is the cause and year is just an effect

Your birth is not the beginning of your existence, it’s just an effect of a seemingly non identical cause. Let me shock you with this;

You can’t trace the beginning of your existence. Try to trace it, Link yourself to all the various causes you can think of including God, you will discover you are as eternal as anything that is eternal. That’s the Relationship you have with Causality

Your origin is far into time than you know.

You are not 20 years old. You are only 20 years old on earth and in this form.

That’s quite deep. You need deep meditation to decipher that

But, why did I have to take you that far?

I needed you to see that you have an affiliation to a universal law that you probably are not conscious of. Now, the reason why you struggle with success is because you didn’t understand the concept of your existence.

Let me give us time to really meditate on this

Will continue from the next bullet point in the next article.

Causality is what shapes your identity.

You are bigger than this.

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Causality is the Law of Identity applied over time. It is the identity of actions. An action requires an entity. It presupposes an entity. Without an entity, action is meaningless. There are no “floating” actions that aren’t actions of an entity.

Action is a change in the identity of an entity. Every action has a particular nature. The action is determined by the entities involved. The change of the entities occurs based on the identities. A marble, when dropped, falls towards the ground. Its position (part of its identity) changes. This change, though, is dependent on the nature of the objects involved.

It is dependent on the Earth and the Earth’s gravity. It is dependent on the friction of the air.

A log that burns is also acting. Its identity is changing. In this case, its position stays the same, but its chemical structure is changing. It is changing into ash. It is releasing smoke into the air. The oxygen in the air is being combined with the carbon in the fire. Heat is being released. All of these changes are determined by the identity of the entities involved. As the entities change, so do their natures. With the altered identities, the actions change to match. This continual process of change is all determined by the initial identities.

Causality is the term used to describe this dependence of an action on the identities of the entities involved. The changes in the identities of the objects are a result of their identities interacting. This interaction, which is an action, is based on the previous natures of the objects involved. In other words, for something to change (which is an effect), it needs to be acted on (caused) by a previous action. This previous action, or change, is an effect as well.

Every effect must have a cause. That cause, however, is an effect of a previous cause. Causality is the law that states that each cause has a specific effect, and that this effect is dependent on the identities of the agents involved.

You can always get great results in life, if your actions are mathematically collaborated with favorable agents and conditions that are positive enough to create a pleasant effect. To succeed in life, you have to master the art of making good choices as regards what actions you take, how you take them and under what circumstances or condition you are taking them.

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