In my previous article, I emphasized on the following:
“Whatever you see standing has a foundation, and whatever can no longer stand has an altered Foundation.”
In this article, as I promised in the previous one, I will be analyzing the recipes or branches of Emotional intelligence.
I mentioned that Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions and to discriminate between different emotions among peers and your environment successfully.
I listed the following as the branches of Emotional Intelligence.
1-Intrapersonal, 2-Interpersonal, 3-Adaptability 4-Stress Management 5-General Mood.
1-Intrapersonal EQ: The word Intrapersonal means: ‘taking place or existing within the mind’
Merriam-Webster puts it this way; it says Intrapersonal means ‘occurring within the individual mind or self.’
You’ll agree with me that before any success is birthed, it must first be conceived in the mind. Any successful outcome or goal, and aspiration are first conceived in the mind, not on the field.
Note this, “A sharp mind would always produce result, anytime and any day.”
For success to be a reality, it must be first imagined and conceived within. ‘Read Microfacts Media’s Article titled- ‘Imagination, your Greatest Machination’ here for broader details on how the mind works in conceiving.
Very powerful, you’ll have a full grasp.
The next one:
Interpersonal EQ:
Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus defines it as ‘something occurring among or involving several people. i.e. between two or more people or entities. As in interaction.
Notice this carefully, “Success is not about you alone! You need people!”
You need friends, people of like passions; you also need your enemies as well because they’ll help you remain resilient towards your goals.
Have you ever heard of this maxim? “No one survives alone on the island” The fish, water, bush, animals will all contribute to your successful habitation on the island. Stop acting as if you can get it done all alone, that’s not an emotionally wise thing to do. You need others as well.
In the lifting of other people’s hands your hand is equally lifted.
The next one
Adaptability EQ: The ability to change or be changed to fit a changed circumstances.
Your ability to change and quickly adapt to situations while holding on to your aspiration guarantees you success.
Let’s use a Duck and a Hen for example. Duck can survive on the land and also in the sea. Hen on the other hand can survive on the land but would die in the sea. Both are birds, but with different Adaptability skills.
When your circumstances change, will you still stick to your goals or aspiration?
If that friend fails you, will you still succeed? How fast can you adapt with or without external supports?
These are the recipes that make up Emotional Intelligence which is the Foundation of Success.
Apply them if you still desire success and you’ll eventually see the reality or manifestation of your goals and aspiration.
In my next article, I shall complete the rest of the recipes.
But remember that for everything standing, a foundation is supporting it
For you to be successful, you must lay a good foundation.
I’m Rawfacts. I Write, I Act, I Speak, I Learn, And I Make a difference.
Meet you at the top!

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In this article, I will be analyzing what I call ”The Success Foundational Recipes”.
You will agree with me that everything that’s standing definitely has a foundation.
Success! One of the most uttered words and most desired experiences within the sphere of humanity. We all have different definitions for this common but powerful experience.
I won’t bother creating another definition, I’d rather say success is achieving & fulfilling a desired goal or aspiration.
Notice the key words ‘achieving & fulfilling a desire goals or aspiration.’
For every structure, there are building blocks or organized fragments influencing its standing. In food making, it is called ingredient or recipe. Success also is made up of such building blocks, building blocks which I call Success Foundational Recipes.
Pay attention to this, “Whatever you see standing has a foundation, and whatever can no longer stand has an altered foundation.”
Any successful man had these recipes implemented at different level of the accumulative process of his Success. Truth has it that some successful men are less aware or conscious of these recipes, somehow through their subconscious; they had it applied to their endeavors. Though, the subconscious use of them is not as effective as the conscientious use of them. We can simply say a man who is not appropriately conscious of these recipes is under utilizing their potential and there is no way such man can be as successful as he ought to be.
Before you can ascend to every other branches of success, these recipes must be laid as building blocks of your success foundation. So what are these recipes?
They are comprised in what is called ‘Emotional Intelligence’.
Emotional Intelligence simply means the understanding of emotions and the use of it to relate better with other people, form healthier relationships, achieve greater success in any field of life and lead a more productive lifestyle.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions. The power to discriminate between different emotions among your peers and physical environment. The ability to perceive, understand, interpret and relate within and without successfully.
“Yes? That a simple thing!”  You may say, but let me short live your thought right now. Remember I said these recipes are comprised in Emotional Intelligence. That is, Emotional Intelligence is a tree with branches. Now, let’s see what these branches are. The recipes we talked of.
Now, these are the components that make up emotional Intelligence.
Note them down and keep for the next article.
1-Intrapersonal  EQ
2-Interpersonal EQ
3-Adaptability EQ
4-Stress Management EQ
5-Genera Mood EQ
These are the components of emotional Intelligence that form a structured foundation for success. You may plan, work and execute but if these recipes are not in place, it’s a mere effort that won’t yield a desired goal.
It’s like having the best and fastest Gas Cooker in your kitchen without gas to fuel it.
It’s like having the best and fastest car without Petrol to fuel it.
Having a well structured plan and ideas without Emotional Intelligence is like heading for defected goals and achievements.
Pay attention to this: “The practicability and applicability of the aforementioned recipes are what guarantee success in life.” These are one of the foundations you must build any aspiration on.  They are essential in decision making because they make success easy and attainable.
Observe this intently; “Success is easy if the foundational recipes are proportionally applied.”
Warren Buffet (the 3rd wealthiest billionaire in the world) says his outstanding achievement and success can be traced to his emotional intelligence. It’s comprised of 90% while the remaining 10% are other principles.
You see why this is necessary and vital? It’s the foundation that holds every other structures of success.
I will talk about these branches of Emotional Intelligence in my next article.
Till I cross your path again.
I’m Rawfacts. I write,I Act,I Speak, I Learn, and I Make a Difference.

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Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal._ Earl Nightingale
Let me do a little break down on the above quoted definition.
The word ‘Progressive‘ means that ‘success is a journey. not a destination’. No one ever arrives when success is concerned, it’s a journey that encompass the whole of a Lifetime. After reaching one goal, we go on to the next and the next and the next and next and next and next until there is no more next. (You know what that means).
The next key word is ‘Realization‘. It means success is an experience. Outside forces cannot make one feel successful. It is a personal realization. It has to be felt from within. It is internal and never external.
The word ‘Worthy is the next key word which refers to our value system which defines to us what is worthy or valuable in our achievement. Worthiness determines the quality of our journey. It is what gives meaning to our pursuit and eventual achievements.
Goals are important because they give us a sense of direction. And success without fulfillment is tantamount to chasing after the wind. It doesn’t generate any worthy feeling at the end of the pursuit.
So, what are the essential qualities needed to attain success?
The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to archive a purpose.
Napoleon Hill wrote: “Whatever the mind conceives and believes, it can achieve.
A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a less intense fire cannot generate too much heat, so does  a weak desire is incapable of producing profound results.
A young man asked Socrates of the ‘Secret of Success’. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met as appointed, then Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. They kept walking until they walked into the river. When the water got up to their necks, Socrates took the young man by surprise and dunked him under the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and held him down. Just when the boy started turning blue, Socrates raised the boy’s head out of the water. The first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath. Socrates then asked, “What did you want the most when you were under the water?” The boy replied “AIR!” Socrates said
“That is the secret to success. When you want success as intensely as you wanted air underwater, then you will have it. There is no other secret.”
Try not to become a success, but rather try to become a man of value__ Albert Einstein
Integrity and wisdom are the two pillars on which to build and keep commitments.
Integrity is keeping your commitment even if you lose resources.
Success is not an accident. It is the result of our progressive and most consistent attitude.
I have lived long enough to realize that playing to win requires commitment.
I should let you know that there is a big difference between ‘Playing to Win’ and ‘Playing not to Lose’.
When we play to win, we play with enthusiasm and commitment; whereas when we play not to lose, we are playing from a position to avoid failure. We play in fear and depression rather than with enthusiasm and delight.
We all want to win right? Yea!
But very few are ready to pay the price to get prepared to win.
“Winners are those who condition and commit themselves to winning”.
Pay attention to this, “Playing to win comes out of inspiration, but playing not to lose comes out of desperation”
Ask any coach or any athlete to point out to you the difference between the best and the worst team. You might hear a very few differences between the best and the worst team.
Most likely, there would be very little differences in the players’ physiques, talents, and abilities. The biggest difference is always the psychological and emotional capacity of those involved.
So the winning team has dedication and it made the extra effort just like the losers’ team. But the only reason why it ended up winning is because of just one thing, IT HAS THE STRONGER DESIRE TO WIN.
To a winner, the tougher the competition;
* The greater the incentive
* The stronger the motivation
* The better the performance
* The sweeter the victory
In life, “new challenges develop new potentials”
Take a look at this “Success is not in the achievement, but in the achieving”. It is not in the result, but in the process.
Some people never try because they are afraid to lose. At the same time, they do not want to stay where they are because they are afraid to be left behind.  You can always predict how people like that will end up.
So, the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose is that you cannot be committed and not take risks. It’s just doesn’t work otherwise. You’ve got to be ready to take risks and make calculated decisions.
Losers want security while winners seek opportunity. That’s explains why they get the results they both get.
Losers are more afraid of life than death. They always want to be too careful with life. But as a matter of fact, failing is not a crime, but lack of effort is.
The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor .” – Vince Lombardi
You can still win!
I am Samuel Oladipupo.

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“SUCCESS is the progressive realization of a worthy goal” – Earl Nightingale

“You need to keep your mind on what you want, not on what you don’t want.”

“ If you really want to succeed, form the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do_Anonymous



To laugh often and love much;

To win the respect of intelligent persons  and the affection of children;

To earn the approval of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others.

To give of one’s self without the slightest thought of return;

To have accomplished a task, whether a healthy child,  a rescued soul, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exaltation.

To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.


big sa



In my term, success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm until the end point result is achieved. That’s what gives success completion of meaning and influence.

Success, God’s  gift to mankind. “Till the ground, in order to reap produce” that’s success.

“Subdue the earth, in order to exercise mental/ spiritual authority over certain circumstances. That’s success.

However, there are basic reasons why people get unsuccessful most of the times. Which I would call Categories of Factors Promoting Failure. Here are the 3 Factors.

  1. God: This can be described as God’s strategy to test the ability of man to withstand circumstances that somewhat tend to stand as a temporary obstacle to his success. Realistically, this is a mechanism that builds a man up and prepare him for bigger attainments in life.
  1. Devil: The Devil also uses the same hindering technique it takes deep insight to detect which of these is God’s or Devil’s. In devil’s own case, unlike God’s, he seeks to destroy his victim with this techniques.
  1. Self Made: This is always as a result of one’s act of laziness, procrastination

Lack of preparation for one’s destined opportunity.

It is important that man understands the reality of these 3 factors that could test his success.

With this proper understanding, he could emerge a successful and undefeated human being.

Success and failure seem interwoven. That is failure in itself is not a threat to success but mere stepping stone or an aid to it. When properly looked at, failure appears to be one of the most crucial ingredient of success.

Why are failure and success interwoven?

As much as I know, you  must attain failure before you attain success. That sounds absurd isn’t it? Well, that’s a truth we must all understand.

Mind you, I am in no way implying that you should make failure your motto, NO! It’s a two edged sword  you have  to take advantage of. As it could ruin your chances of being successful as much as it can enhance your proneness to success.

Let’s look at Thomas Edison.

In his attempts to make the light bulb, he failed several times  before he actually got it right. As a matter of fact, he failed at 999 attempts while trying to make the light bulb, it was on the 1000th attempt that he got it right.

Isn’t that amazing? 999 records of failure.

But the interesting part of this is that it was with one more try that he got it right. The question is, what if he hadn’t tried one more time?

See my friend, anything you make up your mind to achieve, never lose focus. Yes Things may be rough, the road may be blurred, but it’s all going to work out well at the end. Just one more try will make it work.

The shortest route to success often ends up in shambles. Do not mind to take the long route.

I tell you, it would be worth it. Trust me.

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Everything in life involves choice. Since the inception of the world.

If you choose to hold a line, it is a choice, if you choose not to, it’s still a choice. Even when you choose neither of those, it is still a choice.

As much as choice is needed and regarded in everyday’s activities, its management is very important. Before you venture into risks, into actions, weigh your choice(s). It is important. I remember mentioning in my last article of risk being an important ingredient in the realization of success and how you should be willing to take risks.

Your choice defines you. It reveals your dreams.

There is no other future than this. – “The choice you make today is the future you call tomorrow”. So stop perceiving ‘Future’ as an incidence that will happen independent of the choices and actions you engage in ‘Today’.

Because  the universal law always works around the clock, mastering your choice is very important. You can determine your choice, but you might not be able to determine the weight of the consequences.

The 5 senses cannot tell how this law works, but the mind can always tell you the side of the coin the result will be on, though the magnitude it can’t.

Life throws tests at you, you handle them with perspectives, you react to them via choices. Who you are is defined by the outcome your choices  yield.

Things don’t just occur, we make them happen based on choice; but they don’t just happen because of a metaphysical chance, they happen because of a metaphysical law.

Here are few things you might want to consider before making your next choice on something important.

¶ Consider and manage your HASTINESS

¶  OBEDIENCE to professional/experienced advise.

¶ Watch if you aren’t acting based on PRESSURE from friends, parent, peers e.t.c

¶ watch your self esteem. Done ever act/make choice on a LOW platform of your SELF ESTEEM.

I am King Abimbola.

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In the part 1 of this article, these were some of the major points focused upon:

“ For everything we do, we get equal or opposite result” I highlighted that whatever you feed the universe with will be fed back to you in the appropriate proportion.

In this article, I will deal with what exactly you ought to feed the Universe.

Some of us either deliberately, ignorantly or accidentally feed the Universe, thereby, getting results which most of the time are not as pleasant as what we expect from life.

Sometimes, I personally still accidentally feed the Universe.  In the time past, I’ve ignorantly fed the Universe and I got my result. I would just have to take responsibility for my past endeavors.

Meanwhile, sometimes, I feed the Universe deliberately and equally got my result.

I made that known to you in order to help you understand that there are different ways the Universe is being fed by you and that it doesn’t matter what manner you fed the Universe with. One thing is certain regardless of whatever; you will get a result from whatever you sow, whether deliberately, Naively, or even accidentally. Yes! The Law of Causality is that Mindless(Would prefer the word Programmed).

Trust me, the Universe is keeping the records of every acts. Not just for me alone, but for every actions we collectively release into the vast ocean of energy that surrounds our existence.

See, you need to be deliberate about what you do, say, hear, see and give. Because you will won’t be excused for feeding the universe accidentally or arbitrarily.

Sometimes, I feel like where’s the place of forgiveness from the Divine if the Universe keeps paying us for all our deeds (wrongs or right)?

Have you thought about that too? Have you ponder on that before now?

Well, think about this;

“Do unto others as you want them to do for you”. That was a statement made by the Institutor of Christianity who declared he has power to Forgive sins. Namely; Jesus Christ. The question is, Why did he made such statement when he possibly could have just told them to do as they pleased and ask for forgiveness? The answer lies in the very personality of the Creator himself and the mechanism through which He operates the Universe. He founded the Universe on the Law of Causality and limits every creation within the Judicial arms of this law. Jesus who has a perfect Understanding of how the Universe operates and knows the secret to Universal Harmony educated his followers to be sensitive to this law. Why, because it is only natural to get in return whatever you dispensed as an endeavor.

The same thing you do is what will do you. So, the best and only way to attract good things into your life is by doing good and vice versa. In that simple statement, Jesus established a universal understanding of how the Law of Causality works. This explains why he had to die sinless before humanity can attain Holiness. I thought God was powerful and could have just forgave the sins of the whole world without having to orchestrate the death of his son; but if he did it that way, it won’t work, because it would be the highest ranked violation of the Law of Cause and Effect. He was sown and he reaped Holiness abound enough for all men to partake. I said all of that to make you realize that the law of Causality does not just apply within our little planet earth alone, that it is a Universal Justice system.

Do unto the Universe as you want her to do for you.

Be deliberate about every action so you can be certain of a better consequence.

The law of causality doesn’t have feelings, the Universe doesn’t have emotions that would allow her express mercy, it’s programmed to receive, process, interpret and disseminate equal consequences to the involved organisms.

If your result will make you proud, act what will provoke such result.

If your consequences will bring appraisal to you, release the action to the Universe so it can process that consequence to the consciousness and atmosphere of your existence.

But remember this, The Law of Karma/Causality doesn’t take bribe, it only pays back what was dished out.

Do unto others as you want them to do for you; do unto the Universe as you want her to do for you

I’m Rawfacts…I teach|I Act|I Learn| and I Make A Difference.

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