SELF FULFILLED PROPHECIES. By: Potter Abimbola Mosobalaje

A word which has gone ahead to prepare the mind and brain of an oncoming reality is a simple definition for prophecy.

If the word has gone ahead, then it will be something to pursue so it can be held. The word is ahead like a line after a set mark, but before the line is exceeded, a body has to be set in motion to move in concordance with the set line.

Every word of prophecy is like the line, but the line is only a mark point with no value on its own except someone/something hits it.

A prophecy does not exist on its own; it is a mere word if without a subject. Its attachment to an individual is what makes it count and makes it supreme.

After the Word is said, the Subject gets his mind, body and brain ready to walk in tune with the word. Attitude is thus developed.

Attitude; a very important factor that links the ‘desirer’ with the ‘desired’ it is what birth motivation for or against a particular course. “Attitude precedes and determines actions”.

Action simply means doing!

It is beyond dreaming and imagination,

It is beyond wishing. It is taking a step forward after a previous step to the mark (word of prophecy) that lies ahead.

A subject doesn’t fold his arms and expect that which is ahead to reach back to him.

Prophecy will always be ahead. If fulfilled, it means the subject caught up with it, If not fulfilled, it means it lies in waste ahead of the Subject.

Catching up with prophecy requires actions which are groomed and cultured by attitude. It stirs up the passion, and ignite an effect, it makes a giant thrust like an aimed catapult.

You were told of it (the word),

You imagined it, you dreamt being in wonderland,

But you didn’t walk into the realm.

You think a word is enough to ride on?

If all wishes were horses, all beggars would ride.

Don’t just fold your arms, do something.

No man after feeding you would push the food into your belly, you have to chew and activate the mechanism responsible for digestion.

Your part on the path which leads to the mark is what determines your success /failure in relation with Word ahead of you.

Don’t ever blame opportunities,

Don’t ever blame the society,

Don’t ever blame the counselors,

Don’t ever blame a prophecy,

It will always lie ahead of you, it is your SELF RESPONSIBILITY to muster all you need,

Push against the odd, headlong into the journey,

Being solely responsible for what becomes of you.

Remember, a prophecy is a mere word without a Subject.

As a subject, take charge and responsibility for what will become of you.

I am King Mosobalaje Abimbola.

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